Category Archives: Podcast

SFBRP #034 – China Mieville – Perdido Street Station

Luke reads Perdido Street Station by China Mieville, a story about a dirty, bedraggled, begrimed, black, contaminated, cruddy, crummy, defiled, disarrayed, dishabille, disheveled, dreggy, dungy, dusty, filthy, foul, fouled, greasy, grimy, grubby, grungy, icky, lousy, messy, mucky, muddy, mung, murky, nasty, pigpen, polluted, raunchy, scummy, scuzzy, slatternly, slimy, sloppy, slovenly, smudged, smutty, sooty, spattered, spotted, squalid, stained, straggly, sullied, undusted, unhygienic, unkempt, unlaundered, unsanitary, unsightly, unswept, untidy, unwashed, yucky city called New Crobuzon.

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SFBRP # 29 and a half – accidental feedback show

Luke went long replying to some listener feedback so decided to post it as a separate show. And when he reads some feedback at the end, he says “… rant incentive…” instead of “… rant invective…” with the sole reason being his very bad reading aloud skills. Ironically, he goes on to talk about how he doesn’t edit the show. Meanwhile, typing in the third person is weird.