About the Podcast

The Science Fiction Book Review Podcast is a long term project by Luke Burrage, a professional juggler and an avid reader of science fiction. He began the podcast in 2008, and has reviewed every science fiction and fantasy book he has read since then. He’s usually joined by Juliane Kunzendorf, especially on episodes where she has also read the same book.

If you want to see a list of all the books he’s reviewed so far, check out the Episode List page, where you can sort by book, author, series, star rating, date recorded, and more.

To subscribe to new podcast episodes, use the main SFBRP Podcast Feed or check out the iTunes page.

To keep the feed compatible with the most podcast apps and services, the main feed only lists the latest 50 episodes. To access the first 550 episodes in an RSS feed, enter this link into your podcast app of choice (this feed will NOT update with every new episode): https://sfbrp.com/wp-content/SFBRP-archive-feed-1-to-300.rss

For a good list to deepen your science fiction experience, check out the SFBRP Must-Read Science Fiction List here.

If you’re interested in the Culture series by Iain M Banks, check out our recommended Culture Series Reading Order, and follow along with the podcasts we recorded about each book.

To recommend a book to Luke, email him (he mentions his email address in every episode).

You can also join in discussion of the podcast with other listeners by checking out the SFBRP Listener Group on Goodreads.com, with topics such as Episode Feedback and Books I Would Like To See Reviewed.

You can also follow Luke on Twitter (@lukeburrage), on Instagram (@lukeburrage), or catch his vlogging over on YouTube (channel: lukeburrage).

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